Summer Research Fun!

During the summer months, many of our students gain practical experience, interning or working in law offices around New York.  Frequently, their employers ask them to conduct legal research.  Often our students feel inadequately prepared to conduct the research requested.   In response to a need for advanced research training, two one credit specialized legal research courses are being offered this summer.  Reference Librarians Harold O’Grady and Kathleen Darvil are teaching the courses.  Prof. O’Grady is teaching Advanced Legal Research: Securities Law and Prof. Darvil is teaching Advanced Legal Research: New York Civil Litigation.  Next year, the library hopes to continue and expand this specialized instruction to meet the needs and interests of our students.  Descriptions of the courses are listed below.  Both librarians have also created research guides in these specialties, which all students can access.  Those links are provided below the course descriptions.

Advanced Legal Research: Securities Law

This course focuses on research methodologies and strategies relating to a securities law practice. The class will review the structure of the SEC regulatory environment and develop a familiarity with the various publications issued by, and required to be submitted to, this agency. Students will undertake a review of the primary law, standard treatises, practice materials, and specialized databases to solve securities law research problems presented in class and stay current in this area of law.

Advanced Legal Research: New York Civil Litigation

Students will study the tools of legal research, research techniques and strategies specific to New York civil practice. Students will learn to be proficient in the use of both print and online resources. Among the subjects to be covered are: New York State and City case law, statutory law and administrative regulations relevant to the New York civil practitioner, New York reference materials and treatises, New York form books, pre trial, trial, and appellate practice aids, and New York current awareness resources.