Bar exam study passes for the February 22-23, 2011 New York State bar examination will be available for sale on Monday, January 3, 2011. The passes may be purchased at the first floor reference desk beginning at 9:00am on that date. The fee for the study pass is $50.00. Cash, checks and money orders are accepted; no credit or debit cards. The pass provides access to the BLS library through Monday, February 21, 2011. There are a limited number of passes available on a first come, first serve basis. Individuals purchasing a pass must provide proof of identity at the time of the purchase.
The purchase of a study pass entitles the individual to use the facilities of the Brooklyn Law School Library, with the exception of the workstations and printers in the computer labs, wireless access and the study/conference rooms.
Bar exam study for non-Brooklyn Law School graduates is a courtesy. This access is conditional; visitors must comply with all library rules and policies. Any non-BLS graduate who violates any rule or policy will lose his or her right to use the library for the remainder of the bar exam study period and will forfeit the fee paid.