1. Introduction including organizational tips
2. Pre-litigation strategy, initial pleadings and case schedule
3. Fact discovery
4. Expert discovery and summary judgment and notes on Markman hearings
5. Reexaminations, joint defense groups, mediations and settlement
Claim construction is a critical part of costly patent litigation. The 1996 Supreme Court case Markman v. Westview Instruments held that “judges, not jurors, are better suited to find the acquired meaning of patent terms.” District Court judges now often hold Markman hearings away from the jury to determine the scope of a patent’s claims. Markman hearings play a key and crucial role in the outcome of patent litigation and also in the drafting and prosecution of patent applications. The book supplies sample form documents to aid in the patent litigation process. This guide should be used for practical advice and guidance on how to approach patent litigation at a beginner to novice level.