Exam Study Tools and Services

Brooklyn Law School Library has these study tools and services to assist students prepare for exams.

Extended Hours
The Law Library will open for extended hours during the reading and exam periods.
Reading/Examination Period: December 8 – 23, 2011
Seven days a week: 8:00am–2:00am
December 23 close at 10:00pm

Study Rooms
The Library uses an online study room reservation system during the reading and exam period. Beginning on Thursday, December 8 at 12:01am you may make a reservation for a group study room for that day and for two days ahead. A link to the Study Room Reservation System will be found on the Library web page under “Related Links” at that time.
Study rooms are for the use of groups of two or more people and cannot be reserved for one individual. Students are only permitted four hours of study room space per day. Instructions for making reservations are:

1. Select the time duration for your reservation: 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours or 4 hours.
2. Select the study room number. Click the “Study Room” link at the top of the page for descriptions of the study rooms.
3. Select the number of people in your group.
4. Choose the date for your reservation.
5. Choose the time your reservation will begin by clicking an open slot on the grid.
6. New users will need to register as “New User.” You will create your own username and password. Returning users will need to enter their username and password.
7. Click “Finalize Room Reservation” link.
8. Print your room reservation to present at the circulation desk.
9. At the time of your reservation go to the circulation desk to obtain the key to the room. During this period all study rooms are kept locked.
10. Online study room reservations for the exam period end Friday, December 23.

Online Study Aids

The CALI website has a Lessons by Casebook chart which may make finals prep a little easier.

Law School Past Exams
Past exams are available to students as a teaching aid. You can access them from the law school portal page: Brooklyn Law School Portal > Academics > Exams & Grading > Final Exams > Exams on File.

Good luck on your exams from the BLS Law Library.