SARA, the Brooklyn Law School Library catalog, has a Tag cloud feature that allows users to generate clouds for popular subjects. Users who log in to SARA can add tags for their own use. Library staff members check user-created tags to approve or reject them for public display. If a user-created tag is approved, it will show up in the tag cloud.
The tag 1L Guide has a list of three items: Demystifying the First Year: A Guide to the 1L Experience by Albert J. Moore and David A. Binder (Call #KF283 .M66 2010); Learning Outside the Box: A Handbook for Law Students Who Learn Differently by Leah M. Christensen (Call #KF283 .C48 2011); and Succeeding in Law School by Herbert N. Ramy (Call #KF283 .R36 2010). The first two of these items are located in the Main Collection in the lower level of the library. The third item is on Reserve at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor.