Author Archives: Loreen Peritz

Supreme Court 2017 October Term

Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!  The list of cases the U.S. Supreme Court will hear in its 2017 October Term 2017 is now posted on SCOTUSblog.  SCOTUSblog is a great resource if you are researching any aspect of the Supreme Court or the opinions it issues.  The blog analyzes each merits case pending before the Court and posts breaking news of Court decisions. In fact, SCOTUSblog often posts Court decisions before the high court puts them on its own website. During session, links to audio clips of oral arguments are posted on SCOTUSblog as they become available. When you visit the blog, make sure to check out the other resources freely available there, such as “plain english” analysis of cases, videos, live blogging of oral arguments, and more.

CRS Reports on the Supreme Court Appointment Process

Judge Neil Gorsuch was sworn in today as the Supreme Court’s 113th justice.  If you are interested in learning more about the Supreme Court appointment process, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) has several good reports.  A recent report, Supreme Court Appointment Process: President’s Selection of a Nominee, includes information on the criteria for selecting a nominee, the advice and consent role of the Senate, the political aspects of the process, and the use of recess appointments to temporarily bypass Senate confirmation.  For a more detailed account of the Senate’s role, the following CRS reports may also be of interest:

For more information on finding CRS reports online, see this blog post from the University of Houston’s O’Quinn Law Library.

Celebrate Women’s History Month By Checking Out HeinOnline’s Women and the Law Collection

In honor of Women’s History Month this March, head over to HeinOnline to see its Women and the Law collection.  This Hein collection brings together books, biographies, and periodicals exploring the role of women in society and the law.  Scholars use this platform to  research the progression of women’s roles and rights in society over the past 200 years.  In addition to a wealth of historical works, the collection also features more than 70 contemporary feminist sources archived from Emory University Law School’s Feminism and Legal Theory Project.

Election 2016 – Polls, Predictions, and Analysis . . . Oh My!

Interested in taking a deeper dive into the polling and analysis being done right now on the 2016 Presidential Election?  Check out these websites:






Now That The UK Has Voted In Favor Of The Brexit, What Happens Next?

brexitHave you been following the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, colloquially known as “the Brexit?” In a referendum held on June 23rd, British citizens voted in favor of the Brexit, with 52% percent voting to leave the EU and 48% voting to remain.

What Happens Now?

That’s a good question as there is a great deal of uncertainty regarding the legal consequences of the referendum.  As a matter of fact, the UK is the first member nation ever to elect to sever its ties with the EU.  For the immediate future, though, the status quo will be maintained.  First of all, it is important to note that the referendum has no legal consequences with respect to the UK’s status as a member state of the EU.  Instead, the UK will begin the process of leaving the EU only after the British government invokes Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, one of the EU’s governing documents.

According to Article 50: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.”  Article 50 also specifically provides “A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention.” This language is important because it makes clear that the Brexit cannot be initiated by the referendum vote, the trigger to request an exit from the EU can only be pulled by a formal request under Article 50 made by the British government. Whether and when the British government will actually invoke Article 50 is anybody’s guess given the spate of resignations and current state of turmoil in British politics.  As a matter of fact, British legal scholars are currently debating how Article 50 is to be invoked – can the Prime Minister trigger Article 50 or is a formal vote of Parliament required?

What Happens When/If the British Government Invokes Article 50?

If the British government provides the EU with a formal Article 50 notification of its election to leave the EU, the UK and the EU will then be required by the Lisbon Treaty to negotiate a deal setting forth the terms of the UK’s withdrawal and establishing a structure for the future legal relationship between the UK and the EU.  Once the Article 50 trigger is pulled, the European Council and the UK will have just two years to hammer out a new deal.  If the parties choose not to extend this period and cannot reach any agreement, the UK will exit the EU with no formal arrangement in place.  Once the Article 50 trigger is pulled, it is irreversible.

Following the Brexit vote, David Cameron announced his intention to resign as Prime Minister, leaving the decision on how and when to trigger Article 50 in the hands of his successor.  Given the current chaos in British markets and politics, the culmination of Brexit may take years.


Looking for Federal Government Information? Try the New Govinfo website.


The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has launched a beta version of its new GovInfo web site.  After it completes its beta phase, Govinfo will replace FDsys, the federal government website currently providing  free public access to over 50 different collections of federal government information, including the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, Congressional materials, and selected federal case law.   Users of GovInfo can browse by A-Z list, by category, by date, and by congressional committee content.  To see a list of collections available on Govinfo, visit here.


Are You a 1L and Anxious About Finals? Check Out the BLS Library Study Aid Collection

Are you feeling nervous about exam preparation?  Come to the library and take a look at our 1L study aid collection.  Along with your own class outlines, these study aids can be very helpful with exam preparation.  Our collection includes Examples & Explanations, Nutshells, Understandings Series, and more.  Most of our study aids are on reserve behind the circulation desk.  See any member of our circulation staff to check out a study aid.

Want more information about the BLS study aid collection?  Visit our 1L Resources, Tips, and Tools legal research guide here:

Also, even though classes are over, keep in mind that reference librarians are still available at the reference desk to answer any of your research questions.

From all of us at the BLS library, best of luck on your exams!


Welcome Back – Spring 2016 Semester!

Welcome back to your Spring 2016 Semester at BLS.

The first day of classes is Tuesday, January 19th.

Here are the library’s hours from January 19th  –

Monday – Thursday            8am-12pm
Friday                                    8am-10pm
Saturday                               9am-10pm
Sunday                                 10am-12pm

On Monday, January 18th, Martin Luther King Day, the library will be open from 9am-10pm.

On Monday, February 15th, Presidents Day, the library will be open from 9am-10pm.

For additional information on library hours, see library hours.

Looking for a Reliable Source of Global Legal News? Try the Law Library of Congress Global Legal Monitor


The Law Library of Congress produces many excellent legal research tools – including the Guide to Law Online.  The Guide to Law Online provides links for web-based sources of federal law, state law, and for the laws of hundreds of foreign countries

Another great Law Library of Congress research tool is the Global Legal Monitor  The Global Legal Monitor offers coverage of legal news and developments worldwide.  Global Legal Monitor is produced by a team of Law Library of Congress editors, it is updated frequently, and its content is drawn from news stories found in official national legal publications and reliable press sources. Browse news stories from the Global Legal Monitor homepage or search for older news stories by text, topic, jurisdiction, author, or date.